I want to support JWTs, so I need to keep the token around; is there some facility to access this? Or should we just be registering our own javascript function to access this functionality for now?
Edit: per advice, I attempted to use JS interop as :
localStorage.setItem("key1", "key1data");
Blazor.registerFunction("readStorage", (key) => {
return localStorage.getItem(key);
@if (jwtKey == null)
<div class="login-panel">
<p>JWT not loaded</p>
<div class="login-panel">
@functions {
public RenderFragment Body { get; set; }
string jwtKey;
protected override async Task OnInitAsync()
jwtKey = RegisteredFunction.Invoke<string>("readStorage", "key1");
if (jwtKey == null)
jwtKey = "Unknown";
But this results in a WASM error in diag:
WASM: [Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Browser.Interop.JavaScriptException] Could not find registered function with name 'readStorage'. WASM: Error: Could not find registered function with name 'readStorage'.
FYI, this is in the MainLayout.cshtml of the Blazor VS boilerplate project.
(can make a new Question if appropriate; somewhat related to this one though)