How can I remove <br/>
if no text comes before or after it?
For instance,
they should be rewritten like this,
Should I use DOMxpath or regex would be better?
(Note: I have a post about removing <p><br/></p>
with DOMxpath earlier, and then I came across this issue!)
If I have this in the input,
$content = '<p><br/>hello<br/>hello<br/></p>';
then it should be
To select the mentioned br you can use:
"//p[node()[1][self::br]]/br[1] | //p[node()[last()][self::br]]/br[last()]"
or, (maybe) faster:
"//p[br]/node()[self::br and (position()=1 or position()=last())]"
Just getting the br when the first (or last) node of p is br.
This will select br such as:
and first and last br like in:
not middle br like in:
PS: to get eventually the first br in a pair like this <br/><br/>
In case for some code, I could get it to working like this (Demo). It has a slight modification from @empo's xpath (very slightly) and shows the removal of the matches as well as some more test-cases:
$html = <<<EOD
<p>hello <i>molly</i><br/></p>
$doc = new DomDocument;
$xpath = new DomXPath($doc);
$nodes = $xpath->query('//p[node()[1][self::br] or node()[last()][self::br]]/br');
foreach($nodes as $node) {