I read about user extensions and extending selenium but am wondering how to call a command from within a custom command I'm creating.
I added a file similar to the following to Selenium core extensions (user-extensions.js) in Selenium IDE Options.
// selenium-action-example.js
Selenium.prototype.doExample = function() {
this.doOpen("/"); // doesn't waitForPageToLoad like the command does
// These two commands are equivalent to the clickAndWait command. NOT!
// For proof, see the filterForRemoteControl function:
// http://code.google.com/p/selenium/source/browse/trunk/ide/src/extension/content/formats/formatCommandOnlyAdapter.js?r=8284#68
this.doWaitForPageToLoad(); // doesn't wait at all
this.doWaitForElementPresent("example"); // error! undefined function
In other words, how can I wait for things between clicks within a custom action?