What's a good setup for React Native crash rep

2019-06-21 07:33发布


I'm seeing that getSentry has crash reporting for React Native now:


I like them because they do a good job correlating exceptions with your source maps. But I also want to catch native crashes. Do you basically have to setup both getSentry and Crashlytics?

Here's a thread discussing various options:


And here's a seemingly good, but somewhat roundabout hokeyapp solution: http://blog.nparashuram.com/2015/10/crash-analytics-and-feedback-for.html

I'm wondering what people are successfully using in production to catch both native and javascript crashes with detailed source-map-aware reports??


I'm the author of react-native-bugsnag.

I'm not affiliated with the company but I like their dashboard, and their pricing models so I created this library for us react-native programmers to have a way to use their service.


1) Copy the script below, add it to your project root,

2) Change the version on the beginning of the script to match the version of your native part of your react-native project.

3) Run it:

sh crash_report.sh -i <BUGSNAG_KEY> to bundle and upload your source-maps for ios,


sh crash_report.sh -a <BUGSNAG_KEY> to bundle and upload your source-maps for android.


The official react-native bugsnag sdk is now released.

It supports both iOS/Android and Javascript handled and unhanded crash reporting.

Let me explain how I do it:

I've created a file called crash_report.sh that creates my project sourcemaps, and uploads them to bugsnag, as well as ALL of my project files, so that I can see rich error reports like below:

To use this, all you have to do is add it to your project root folder, change the version variable (appVersion) to basically whatever version your xcode project has, or your android studio project has. (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT) otherwise you won't be able to see de-obfuscated code in bugnsag and then run it.



appVersion='1.0.0'  # IMPORTANT, this has to be the same as the version of your native project in xcode or android studio.

# Get shell args
while getopts 'i:a:' flag; do
  case "${flag}" in
    i) iflag='true' 
    *) printf "Usage: %s: [-a] [-i] args\n" $0

if [ -n "$aflag" ] && [ -z "$iflag" ]; then
    printf "Now bundling for android.\n"
if [ -n "$iflag" ] && [ -z "$aflag" ]; then
    printf "Now bundling for ios.\n"

if [ -z "$platform" ]; then
    printf "\nUsage: <script> -i <BUGSNAG_KEY> OR -a <BUGSNAG_KEY>. \nTerminating...\n\n"
    printf "Now fetching project properties from package.json\n"

    echo 'Now creating sourcemaps\n App version: '${appVersion}' for platform: '${platform}

    # #Create iOS sourcemaps
    react-native bundle --dev false --platform ${platform} --entry-file index.${platform}.js --bundle-output main.${platform}.jsbundle --sourcemap-output main.${platform}.jsbundle.map

    echo 'Now uploading with key: '${bugsnagKey}' for version '${appVersion}

    CUR_DIRR=`pwd`  # Get current directory
    CUR_DIRR=${CUR_DIRR}'/' # Append a forward slash to it

    # Here we get ALL the project files, and form them as curl params, so that we can later on pass them to curl
    PROJECT_FILES=$(find src -name '*.js'  | while read -r i; do echo '-F '$CUR_DIRR$i'=@'$i; done) # Form the right file ending for curl
    # echo ${PROJECT_FILES}

    # #Upload iOS sourcemaps
    curl -w "\n\n%{http_code}\n" --progress-bar -F apiKey=${bugsnagKey} -F appVersion=${appVersion} -F minifiedUrl="main.jsbundle" -F sourceMap=@main.${platform}.jsbundle.map -F minifiedFile=@main.${platform}.jsbundle -F overwrite=true ${PROJECT_FILES} https://upload.bugsnag.com

    echo '\nDone.\n'


I hope this helps someone, this took me hours to figure. Have fun..!


Sentry's native iOS client supports symbolification (similar to Crashlytics), so you can add Sentry for both the javascript and objc layers.