Column is invalid in the select list because it is

2019-06-21 06:17发布


I have sql query below but i face a problem when execute it.

SELECT * from (Select row_number() OVER(Order By FloorUserId) as 'row_number', FloorUserId,
max(CASE WHEN AreaId='[G]' or AreaId=N'L01'  THEN 'X' ELSE ' ' END) as 'L01',
max(CASE WHEN AreaId='[G]' or AreaId=N'L02'  THEN 'X' ELSE ' ' END) as 'L02'
from floor, tbuser where FloorUserId= tbuser.userID  
    )  as derivedTable where row_number BETWEEN 1 AND 20

But I keep getting the following error:

Column 'FloorId' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.


  • You have MAX which is for aggregates so you'd need GROUP BY Id
  • ...this won't then work because you have ROW_NUMBER
  • Do you really want a Cartesian product (CROSS JOIN) between floor and user?
  • what column belongs to what table?

Perhaps this may help you to get where you want:

     row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY userid Order By user.Id) as 'row_number', user.Id,
     max(CASE WHEN  floor.AreaId='[G]' or  floor.AreaId=N'L01'  THEN 'X' ELSE ' ' END) as 'L01',
     max(CASE WHEN floor. AreaId='[G]' or  floor.AreaId=N'L02'  THEN 'X' ELSE ' ' END) as 'L02'
    user ON floor. = user.    --what?
    user.Id = userID 
group by


You can only use fields that are part of a group by clause when you use aggregrates (like max).

So get rid of the '*' if you want other fields add them into a group by clause.