According to this documentation in MSDN for ProcessModel, the autoConfig=true sets the following attributes in accordance with this KB article:
maxWorkerThreads, maxIoThreads, minFreeThreads, minLocalRequestFreeThreads, maxConnection
To verify this setting, I have a sample web application in ASP .NET 3.5 having the following code in the page_load event:
int w, c;
ThreadPool.GetMinThreads(out w, out c);
// Write the numbers of minimum threads
Response.Write("Min: " + string.Format("{0}, {1}", w, c));
c = 0;
ThreadPool.GetMaxThreads(out w, out c);
Response.Write(" Max: " + string.Format("{0}, {1}", w, c));
Response.Write(" Maxconnections: " + ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit);
Configuration conf = ConfigurationManager.OpenMachineConfiguration();
ConfigurationSectionGroup secGrp = conf.SectionGroups["system.web"];
ConfigurationSection sec = secGrp.Sections["httpRuntime"];
Response.Write(" httpruntime settings: " + sec.ElementInformation.Properties["minFreeThreads"].Value + ", " +
I get the following output when I run the page with autoConfig set to false first and then set to true:
autoConfig=false: Min: 2, 2 Max: 40, 40 Maxconnections: 10 httpruntime settings: 8, 4
autoConfig=true: Min: 2, 2 Max: 200, 200 Maxconnections: 24 httpruntime settings: 8, 4
autoConfig=false works as expected and the default values can be seen in the output, however the output when set to true suprised me a bit:
- It does set the maxWorkerThreads and maxIoThreads attributes correctly and hence the output of 200 (100x2 on a dual core CPU).
- However, it doesn't seem to set the minWorkerThreads attribute which as per the KB should be: minWorkerThreads = maxWorkerThreads/2
- Also, according to the MSDN documentation setting autoConfig=true does set the minFreeThreads and minLocalRequestFreeThreads attribute to values recommended in the KB, but that doesn't seem to be the case either. I get the default values of 8 and 4.
I am a bit confused, any ideas as to what's happening here? Have i got the sample wrong or something?