For my Eclipse plugin project, I have defined the following target platform:
<location includeAllPlatforms="true" includeMode="slicer" includeSource="true" type="InstallableUnit">
<unit id="" version="3.5.0.v20110530-7P7NFUFFLWUl76mart"/>
<unit id="" version="3.7.1.M20110909-1335"/>
<unit id="" version="3.7.1.r371_v20110810-0800-7z8gFcoFMLfTabvKsR5Qm9rBGEBK"/>
<unit id="" version=""/>
My plugin has JUnit plugin tests (in the same plugin). If I try to run them with a JUnit launch config (org.eclipse.platform.ide
), I get the following console messages about junit
, and an exception:
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2011-12-16 13:00:35.206
!MESSAGE One or more bundles are not resolved because the following root constraints are not resolved:
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2011-12-16 13:00:35.206
!MESSAGE Bundle reference:file:/Users/stolz/ws-bucky/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/.bundle_pool/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.junit4.runtime_1.1.200.v20110505-0800.jar was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.eclipse.jdt.junit4.runtime 2 0 2011-12-16 13:00:35.206
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.junit_4.7.0.
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2011-12-16 13:00:35.207
!MESSAGE Bundle reference:file:/Users/stolz/ws-bucky/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/.bundle_pool/plugins/org.junit4_4.8.1.v20100525/ was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.junit4 2 0 2011-12-16 13:00:35.207
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.junit_4.8.1.
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi 2 0 2011-12-16 13:00:35.234
!MESSAGE Bundle org.junit4_4.8.1.v20100525 [219] was not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 2 org.junit4 2 0 2011-12-16 13:00:35.235
!MESSAGE Missing required bundle org.junit_4.8.1.
!ENTRY 1 0 2011-12-16 13:00:39.889
!MESSAGE System property http.nonProxyHosts has been set to local|*.local|169.254/16|*.169.254/16 by an external source. This value will be overwritten using the values from the preferences
Exception in thread "Plug-in Tests Runner" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Bundle "org.eclipse.jdt.junit4.runtime" not found. Possible causes include missing dependencies, too restrictive version ranges, or a non-matching required execution environment.
at org.eclipse.pde.internal.junit.runtime.RemotePluginTestRunner.getClassLoader(
at org.eclipse.pde.internal.junit.runtime.RemotePluginTestRunner.readPluginArgs(
at org.eclipse.pde.internal.junit.runtime.RemotePluginTestRunner.init(
at org.eclipse.pde.internal.junit.runtime.RemotePluginTestRunner.main(
at org.eclipse.pde.internal.junit.runtime.PlatformUITestHarness$
With the default JDT installation, the unit test runs fine, it's just that I want to define a proper target platform for a Hudson-build. Needless to say, I tried adding dependencies on the two offending platforms in various places, to no avail.
Update: Whoops, I confused this with another set of tests; these here are not headless but workbench-tests.
Another oddity is that sometimes I won't see this error when running the test for the first time after switching to the default Eclipse platform and back to mine. Odd.