I'm running an if else statement off of a datareader to query table data and activate/de-activate some controls on a page. I implemented a using statement to automatically close the connection and the reader when I close the block, but I still get the reader is closed error on each of my if else statements. What's missing? Code below:
string comnt = "SELECT StatusId FROM Submission WHERE SubmissionId =" + x;
using (SqlConnection editConn = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand statCmd = new SqlCommand(comnt, editConn))
SqlDataReader dr = statCmd.ExecuteReader();
if (dr.GetInt32(0) > 0)
PanelComment.Visible = true;
PanelQuote.Visible = false;
LnbFid.Visible = false;
LnbCrim.Visible = false;
LnbEo.Visible = false;
LnbEpl.Visible = false;
LnbNot.Visible = false;
LnbPriv.Visible = false;
LnbPub.Visible = false;
PanelComment.Visible = false;
Your query is not getting any results back. Get used to the following construct if you are not sure if your query will return any data:
while (dr.Read()) //will return true while there is data to be read.
Try this way:
if (dr.HasRows)
while (dr.Read())
if (dr.GetInt32(0) > 0)
For more info, check this page:
Retrieving Data Using a DataReader
It seems the select statement returns no row
and when you call dr.Read() for first time
datareader will be closed imidiately
for using data reader we always shows use if or while
like what leniel said
using (SqlCommand statCmd = new SqlCommand(comnt, editConn))
SqlDataReader dr = statCmd.ExecuteReader();
if( dr.Read())
if (dr.GetInt32(0) > 0)
PanelComment.Visible = true;
PanelQuote.Visible = false;
LnbFid.Visible = false;
LnbCrim.Visible = false;
LnbEo.Visible = false;
LnbEpl.Visible = false;
LnbNot.Visible = false;
LnbPriv.Visible = false;
LnbPub.Visible = false;
PanelComment.Visible = false;
I faced this problem due to mismatch of reader name. i.e.
SqlCommand sqlmd = new SqlCommand();
SqlDataReader sqldr = sqlmd.ExecuteReader();
while (sqldr.Read())
idd = (int)rdr["Id"];
later I replaced the code
idd = (int)sqldr["Id"];
and the error was solved.
if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
SqlCommand qr1 = new SqlCommand("select TransID, FType, FldName, LTrans,
OnCCBeforeLoad, LTop, LLeft, LWidth, LHeight, LFColor
from jwOndropExecButtonS where active = 'T' and MyType = ''
and LTrans = '" + TmpRajTransID + "' order by dbo.val(TransID) ", conn);
SqlDataReader d1 = qr1.ExecuteReader();
while (d1.Read())
if (d1.HasRows)
string MrFldName = d1["FldName"].ToString().Trim();
if (d1["OnCCBeforeLoad"].ToString().Trim() == "Clr")
if (d1["LTop"].ToString().Trim() != "")
DisplaySetTopValue(MrFldName, d1["LTop"].ToString().Trim());
if (d1["LLeft"].ToString().Trim() != "")
DisplaySetLeftValue(MrFldName, d1["LLeft"].ToString().Trim());
if (d1["LWidth"].ToString().Trim() != "")
DisplaySetWidthValue(MrFldName, d1["LWidth"].ToString().Trim());
if (d1["LHeight"].ToString().Trim() != "")
DisplaySetHeightValue(MrFldName, d1["LHeight"].ToString().Trim());
if (d1["FType"].ToString().Trim() == "Visible")
if (d1["FType"].ToString().Trim() == "InVisible")
if (d1["FType"].ToString().Trim() == "InNVisible")
if (d1["FType"].ToString().Trim() == "Enable")
if (d1["FType"].ToString().Trim() == "Disable")
if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open)
I got the same error once in a while at
if (d1["FType"].ToString().Trim() == "Visible")
saying metadata not found
. Later I found that the reader was not closed, but the ASP.NET program using too much memory closed the reader automatically. It mainly depends on the SQL server stage. If it is a regular error then please check your connection.