Create a multiframe .tif file

2019-06-21 03:25发布


I have pixel data that I want to use to create a new .tif image that has multiple frames. How would I go about doing this? I have tried python PIL however I have only found it supports multiple frame reading not writing. See below for my attempt that didn't work.

new_Image ="I;16", (num_pixels,num_rows))

for frame in range((len(final_rows)/num_rows)):
    pixels = new_Image.load()
    for row in range(num_rows):
        row_pixel = final_rows[row].getPixels()
        for pixel in range(num_pixels):
            pixels[pixel,row] = row_pixel[pixel]
    print frame


For example, using numpy and scikit-image with FreeImage plugin:

import numpy as np
from import freeimage_plugin as fi
image = np.zeros((32, 256, 256), 'uint16')
fi.write_multipage(image, 'multipage.tif')

Or save it uncompressed using numpy and

import numpy as np
from tifffile import imsave
image = np.zeros((32, 256, 256), 'uint16')
imsave('multipage.tif', image)

This assumes that all pages have the same data shape and type and no additional tags need to be written.