Duplicate: Is there any form designer available for Google Android?
I would like to move a CheckBox, so it displays in a different location than the top-left corner under Absolute Layout inside main.xml, for 'Android'. I'm using Eclipse to edit my views. How would I do this?
On an iPhone they have a tool called Interface builder that allows you to move things in a WYIWYG fashion.
Does Eclipse have similar functionality?
I recommend using a RelativeLayout. You can position your checkbox in relation to other views or the parent view, for example if you want to position it on the right hand side and below a TextView, you could use something like
Also have a look at droiddraw.org but I recommend writing the code yourself as it speeds up the process if you ever need to edit/re-use.
For more info on RelativeLayout look at http://d.android.com/reference/android/widget/RelativeLayout.html
The Android plugin in Eclipse has a WYSIWYG editor, just open on the layout xml file. However I'm guessing you already know this and want instead to know how to do absolute positioning in a visual editor. The short answer is "no", because Android screens come in lots of different shapes and sizes, unlike (for now) the iPhone.