Updating PartialView mvc 4

2019-01-11 17:13发布


Ey! How I could refresh a Partial View with data out of the Model? First time, when the page loads it's working properly, but not when I call it from the Action. The structure I've created looks like:

Anywhere in my View:

 @{ Html.RenderAction("UpdatePoints");}

My PartialView "UpdatePoints":

<h3>Your points are @ViewBag.points </h3>

At the Controller I have:

public ActionResult UpdatePoints()

            ViewBag.points =  _Repository.Points;
            return PartialView("UpdatePoints");

Thanks for your help!


Thanks all for your help! Finally I used JQuery/AJAX as you suggested, passing the parameter using model.

So, in JS:

$('#divPoints').load('/Schedule/UpdatePoints', UpdatePointsAction);
var points= $('#newpoints').val();
$element.find('PointsDiv').html("You have" + points+ " points");

In Controller:

var model = _newPoints;
return PartialView(model);

In View

<div id="divPoints"></div>
@Html.Hidden("newpoints", Model)


So, say you have your View with PartialView, which have to be updated by button click:

<div class="target">
    @{ Html.RenderAction("UpdatePoints");}

<input class="button" value="update" />

There are some ways to do it. For example you may use jQuery:

<script type="text/javascript">
        $('.button').on("click", function(){        
            $.post('@Url.Action("PostActionToUpdatePoints", "Home")').always(function(){

PostActionToUpdatePoints is your Action with [HttpPost] attribute, which you use to update points

If you use logic in your action UpdatePoints() to update points, maybe you forgot to add [HttpPost] attribute to it:

public ActionResult UpdatePoints()
    ViewBag.points =  _Repository.Points;
    return PartialView("UpdatePoints");


You can also try this.

 $(document).ready(function () {
            var url = "@(Html.Raw(Url.Action("ActionName", "ControllerName")))";
        setInterval(function () {
            var url = "@(Html.Raw(Url.Action("ActionName", "ControllerName")))";
        }, 30000); //Refreshes every 30 seconds

        $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });  //Turn off caching

It makes an initial call to load the div, and then subsequent calls are on a 30 second interval.

In the controller section you can update the object and pass the object to the partial view.

public class ControllerName: Controller
    public ActionResult ActionName()
        .   // code for update object
        return PartialView("PartialViewName", updatedObject);


Thanks all for your help! Finally I used JQuery/AJAX as you suggested, passing the parameter using model.

So, in JS:

$('#divPoints').load('/Schedule/UpdatePoints', UpdatePointsAction);
var points= $('#newpoints').val();
$element.find('PointsDiv').html("You have" + points+ " points");

In Controller:

var model = _newPoints;
return PartialView(model);

In View

<div id="divPoints"></div>
@Html.Hidden("newpoints", Model)


Controller :

public ActionResult Refresh(string ID)
        DetailsViewModel vm = new DetailsViewModel();  // Model
        vm.productDetails = _product.GetproductDetails(ID); 
        /* "productDetails " is a property in "DetailsViewModel"
        "GetProductDetails" is a method in "Product" class
        "_product" is an interface of "Product" class */

        return PartialView("_Details", vm); // Details is a partial view

In yore index page you should to have refresh link :

     <a href="#" id="refreshItem">Refresh</a>

This Script should be also in your index page:

<script type="text/javascript">

    $(function () {
    $('a[id=refreshItem]:last').click(function (e) {

        var url = MVC.Url.action('Refresh', 'MyController', { itemId: '@(Model.itemProp.itemId )' }); // Refresh is an Action in controller, MyController is a controller name

            type: 'GET',
            url: url,
            cache: false,
            success: function (grid) {
                clientBehaviors.applyPlugins($("#tabProductDetails")); // "tabProductDetails" is an id of div in your "Details partial view"