I have a simple Astruct.pyx with a struct definition (Astruct.pxd):
cdef struct A:
int x
int y
int z
And a Cython function, that uses it (struct_test.pyx):
from random import randint
from Astruct cimport A
def do():
N = 1000000
M = 65535
As = []
total = 0
for i in xrange(N):
cdef A a
a.x = randint(0, M)
a.y = randint(0, M)
a.z = randint(0, M)
for i in xrange(N):
total += As[i].x + As[i].y + As[i].z
print total
However, when I try to build struct_test.pyx, I get this error: "cdef statement not allowed here", pointing at "cdef A a". It does not complain about another definition of A variable if it is outside the loop, but I do not understand what is so special about for loop.