How can I validate XML documents during a Maven build against a DTD or a XSD Schema?
There is a xml-maven-plugin that can check whether XML files are matching an XML schema but I don't think it can generate reports.
The validate goal of the xml-maven-plugin will check for well-formedness and optionally validate against a schema. The build will fail if the validation fails.
The plugin does not produce any report, what would you want in a report out of interest? information about the invalid files?
Here is an example usage:
I have used the xml-maven-plugin for some time (thanks to Pascal Thivent and Rick Seller for introducing me to this), but had some problems with it.
I was validating an XML document. At some point we split the XML document in two files, both in their own subdirectory. At that point the xml-maven-plugin did not validate anything anymore because the file was moved, but also did not complain about it. Also personally I found the configuration not too intuitive and a bit hard to debug if it does not do you expect.
So for me I was happy to rediscover the schemavalidate Ant task combined with the maven-antrun-plugin. Did everything I needed and more.
In the example below I check that files are actually selected. Off course you can tailor this for your specific needs. As a bonus (tough a bit off topic) an example of how I grab the path of an xsd that is downloaded as a dependency.
<copy file="${}" tofile="${xml-validation-dir}/some-schema.xsd" />
<resourcecount property="xml.count">
<fileset dir="${xml-validation-dir}" includes="**/*.xml" />
<fail message="fileset does not match any xml file (use same fileset for actual validation)">
<condition><equals arg1="${xml.count}" arg2="0" /></condition>
<echo message="validating ${xml.count} xml files against some-schema" />
<schema namespace="" file="${xml-validation-dir}/some-schema.xsd" />
<fileset dir="${xml-validation-dir}" includes="**/*.xml" />
<echo message="all ${xml.count} xml documents are valid" />
Granted, this does not really fit in the maven way of working, but it worked for me and maybe somebody else is helped by knowing this option.