I knew that there were a Android Developer Console, that I could check all the Statistics about my application, those statistics I've seen for now, it's all about how many times my application be installed, uninstalled, upgraded..is there any way I could know that how many people have seen my application..?
just in case if there might be something that I missed, I wrote a letter to ask Google Play Team about this question, and support said that they do not provide this kind of analytics
again, Ankit is correct :)
now you can find it in Google Play Developer Console
New in the Google Play Developer Console: Know where your most valuable users come from.
is there any way I could know that how many people have seen my application..?
if you mean to say "you want to know how many times your application been viewed on Play Store!!"
Answer is >> AFAIK No !
this link may be useful Google Analytics
If you want to know how many times user opened your application on their device after installing!!
this link has the answer.
Google has integrated the play store and google analytics: http://analytics.blogspot.co.il/2013/10/google-play-integration.html
I'm not sure I understood you right, but you can analyze how often your users open your app, where your users are located and so on with different services.
One good example for android would be Flurry.