How would I go about detecting whitespace within a string? For example, I have a name string like:
"Jane Doe"
Keep in mind that I don't want to trim or replace it, just detect if whitespace exists between the first and second string.
How would I go about detecting whitespace within a string? For example, I have a name string like:
"Jane Doe"
Keep in mind that I don't want to trim or replace it, just detect if whitespace exists between the first and second string.
Use preg_match as suggested by Josh:
$foo = "Dave Smith";
$bar = "SamSpade";
$baz = "Dave\t\t\tSmith";
Wouldn't preg_match("/\s/",$string) work? The advantage to this over strpos is that it will detect any whitespace, not just spaces.
You could check for only alphanumerical characters, which whitespace is not. You could also do a strpos for a space.
if(strpos($string, " ") !== false)
// error
You may use something like this:
if (strpos($r, ' ') > 0) {
echo 'A white space exists between the string';
echo 'There is no white space in the string';
This will detect a space, but not any other kind of whitespace.
if(strpos('Jane Doe', ' ') > 0)
echo 'Including space';
echo 'Without space';
// returns no. of matches if $str has nothing but alphabets,digits and spaces.
function is_alnumspace($str){
return preg_match('/^[a-z0-9 ]+$/i',$str);
// returns no. of matches if $str has nothing but alphabets,digits and spaces. function
is_alnumspace($str) {
return preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9 ]+$/i',$str);
// This variation allows uppercase and lowercase letters.