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- How to use unicode characters in Windows command line? 17 answers
I've tried to display UTF-8 in the win7 cmd. Currently, I'm using the standard font because as I see with the mysql.exe, it works fine with the characters I'm working with (currently the german umlauts "ßäöüÄÖÜ"). Also, with another font, the same characters appear.
But the output of my PHP script displays garbage, e.g. 'ß' for 'ß'. When I pipe the output into a file and open it up with Notepad++, it says the encoding is UTF-8. In php.ini I set UTF-8 as the encoding as well as in the connection to the mySQL database, and in the database itself UTF-8, too.
In CMD I tried so far to set the code page to 65001, but nothing changes.
edit: my PHP script is saved as UTF-8 as well
It seems with latin1, my desired characters can be displayed too and actually it works. But there has to be a way to do it in UTF-8? I can't convert everything to latin1