Debugging a package procedure and am getting a no data found when there is in fact data.
Testing just the SELECT
SELECT trim(trailing '/' from GL_SECURITY) as DUMMY
FROM b2k_user@b2k
WHERE sms_username = 'FUCHSB';
This happily returns my value : '23706*706'
As soon as i try to have this selected INTO i get a NO_DATA _FOUND error (commented out the error handling i put in)
set serveroutput on
p_BAS_user_name varchar2(20);
v_gl_inclusion varchar2(1000);
v_gl_exclusions varchar2(1000);
p_BAS_user_name := 'FUCHSB';
----- GOOD -----
SELECT trim(trailing '/' from GL_SECURITY) as DUMMY
INTO v_gl_inclusion
FROM b2k_user@b2k
WHERE sms_username = p_BAS_user_name;
-- v_gl_inclusion := 'SUPER EFFING STUPID';
Error report:
ORA-01403: no data found
ORA-06512: at line 12
01403. 00000 - "no data found"
I can catch the error just fine except for the fact that based on the 1st query i know 100% there is a value for FUCHSB in the database.
Any ideas.. I'm really starting to despise Oracle. Yes this query is being run over a datalink as seen in the 1st query the data is there.
SOLVED strange behavior in SQL developer caused me to overlook potential whitespace:
It looks as though SQL Developer when running the standalone select applies its own trimming comparator when doing the 'WHERE sms_username = p_BAS_user_name;' portion.. turns out when sitting in the package it does not.. bunch of white space was causing the issue.. still strange that it returns on the normal select. Thanks though!