
No such method for invocant of type

2019-06-19 14:39发布


I've created a class which contains multi definitions for function overloading, however when I try to call the class and the overloaded method, it throws an error. A working example which can be run to produce this error is shown below:

class Test
    multi test(@data) {
        return test(@data, @data.elems);

    multi test(@data, $length) {
        return 0;

my @t = 't1', 't2', 't3';
say Test.test(@t);


No such method 'test' for invocant of type 'Test'. Did you mean any of these?

  in block <unit> at test.p6 line 13

I may be doing this wrong, can someone point me to the correct way to do this?

Edit: I'm effectively trying to make this a module, which I can use for other things.


You need add the self keyword before your test method:

class Test

    multi method test(@data) {
        return self.test(@data, @data.elems);

    multi method test(@data, $length) {
        return 0;


my @t = 't1', 't2', 't3';
say Test.test(@t);

note: In Perl 6 class, use method keyword to declare a method.


The reason you're getting the no such method error is that multi defaults to sub unless told other wise. You need multi method test


Other answers have to helped explain the usage for multi method but optional parameters might be a simpler way to get the same result:

#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use v6;

class Test
    method test(@data, Int $length = @data.elems) {
        say 'In method test length ', $length, ' data ', @data.perl;
        return 0;

my @t = 't1', 't2', 't3';
say Test.test(@t);

标签: perl6