I've recently read this article on using printf and scanf in assembly:
Meaning of intfmt: db "%d", 10, 0 in assembly
In particular it says "In printf, the newline prints a newline and then (if the output is in line buffered mode, which it probably is), flushes the internal output buffer so you can actually see the result. So when you remove the 10, there's no flush and you don't see the output."
However I do not know what to do if I do not want a newline after my output in my assembly file. Here's a simple test file I've written to try printing without a newline:
extern printf
LINUX equ 80H ; interupt number for entering Linux kernel
EXIT equ 60 ; Linux system call 1 i.e. exit ()
section .data
int_output_format: db "%ld", 0
segment .text
global main
mov r8, 10
push rdi
push rsi
push r10
push r9
mov rsi, r8
mov rdi, int_output_format
xor rax, rax
call printf
pop r9
pop r10
pop rsi
pop rdi
call os_return ; return to operating system
mov rax, EXIT ; Linux system call 1 i.e. exit ()
mov rdi, 0 ; Error code 0 i.e. no errors
syscall ; Interrupt Linux kernel 64-bit
but as the article I've read suggests stdout isn't being flushed. I was thinking perhaps I need to somehow flush after I output the number? But I'm really not sure.
I am using the NASM assembly language.
Thanks in advance!