I have looked at a number answers to questions here on Stack Overflow trying to find a solution to my problem in using the Reactive Banana library. All the answers use some magic using 'mapAccum' that I can't quite understand. Looking at the API documentation all I find is "Efficient combination of accumE
and accumB
." which is not very helpful.
It seems that this function can be used to compare the values of a Behavior
at the time of two consecutive events which is what I'd like to do. But I not clear how to make that work.
How exactly does mapAccum
Notice that
mapAccum :: acc -> Event t (acc -> (x, acc)) -> (Event t x, Behavior t acc)
so it takes an initial value :: acc
to accumulate on, and an Event which produces a function that
updates that accumulated value whilst producing an output value ::x
. (Typically you'd make such an event by partially applying some function via <$>
As a result you get a new Event that fires your x
values whenever they turn up and a Behaviour containing
your current accumulated value.
Use mapAccum
if you have an event and you want to make a related behaviour and event.
For example in your problem domain from your other question, suppose you have an event eTime :: Event t Int
that fired erratically and you wanted to calculate eDeltaTime :: Event t Int
for the differences and bTimeAgain :: Behaviour t Int
for the currently used time:
type Time = Int
type DeltaTime = Time
getDelta :: Time -> Time -> (DeltaTime,Time)
getDelta new old = (new-old,new)
I could have written that getDelta new = \old -> (new-old,new)
to make the next step clearer:
deltaMaker :: Event t (Time -> (DeltaTime,Time))
deltaMaker = getDelta <$> eTime
(eDeltaT,bTimeAgain) = mapAccum 0 $ deltaMaker
In this case, bTimeAgain
would be a behaviour with the same value as the events in eTime
. This happens
because my getDelta
function passes new
straight through unchanged from eTime
to the acc
(If I wanted bTimeAgain
on its own, I would have used stepper :: a -> Event t a -> Behaviour t a
If I don't need bTimeAgain
, I could just write (eDeltaT,_) = mapAccum 0 $ deltaMaker
The mapAccum
function is very similar to the mapAccumL
function from the standard Data.List module, hence the name. The documentation on Hackage also includes a link to the source code of mapAccum
. Together with the type signature, this is hopefully enough information to figure out how this function works.
Then again, I could just improve the documentation. :-) But I'm not entirely clear on how to do that short of pasting the source code. The second part of the result is easy to describe by the following equation
snd . mapAccum acc = accumB acc . fmap (. snd)
But the first part does not have such a nice equation.
I could write a description in words:
The function mapAccum
accumulates a state of type acc
by applying the functions contained in the second argument of type Event t (acc -> (x,acc))
. The function returns an event whose occurrences are the values x
and a behavior which keeps track of the accumulated state acc
. Put differently, this is a Mealy machine, or state automaton.
but I'm not sure whether these words actually help.
Note: I'm using an answer so I can write formatted code
Here is my attempt at documenting the function:
mapAccum :: acc -- Initial Accumulation Value
-> Event t (acc -> (x, acc)) -- Event stream that of functions that use the previous
-- accumulation value to:
-- a) produce a new resulting event (x) and,
-- b) updates the accumulated value (acc)
-> (Event t x, Behavior t acc) -- fst) a stream of events from of a) above
-- snd) a behavior holding the accumulated values b) above
This function is the analog to the mapAccumL
function from the Data.List
module. It is an efficient combination of accumE
and accumB
. The resulting Behavior
is useful for, among other things, for holding the history of previous events which might be needed to compute the values (x) of an event stream.
Example: compute the roling average of the last 5 events
rolingAverage :: forall t. Frameworks t => Event t Double -> Event t Double
rolingAverage inputStream = outputStream
funct x xs = (sum role / 5, role) where role = (x:init xs)
functEvent = funct <$> inputStream -- NB: curries the first parameter in funct
(outputStream,_) = mapAccum [0,0,0,0,0] functEvent