Is is possible to have an X Axis display hours (HH:MM)
and another (or the same) displaying Days (YYYY-MM-DD)
at different intervals so it look like
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09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 01:00
Or Ideally :
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09:00 10:00 11:00 2010/04/20 01:00
Off Topic Advice
The more I use MS Chart Control the more I regret my decision switching from ZedGraph.
I am really getting angry and frustrated I've lost long hours on meaningless details like these and circumventing through very ugly workarounds (like creating many duplicate "ghost" charts to "handle" different scaled series , -What the Heck!!?-, aligning data MANUALLY adding empty points because the default code use case is extremely unflexible). It seems very fancy at first glance, but from the moment you want to tweak and do serious stuff rather than displaying an ultra basic pie chart or bar histogram you enter a World of Hell. So I basically advice NOT to use it, unless you are already stuck with it (but it's never too late to reconsider moving to something that isn't that wonky and time-consuming)
I could use "Keywords" as adviced here. Seems very funky and tedious though...
Besides, this violates the separation between Logic and Presentation
(this should never happen! Sign of Poor Design...)
For another example of such annoying similar (clueless) issues see this post