
Offline google chrome extensions

2019-06-19 02:53发布



  • I manage an offline network of workstations.
  • I have written a chrome extension that needs to be in the browser for our webapp to function
  • I have published it through the chrome store (but not made it public)


  • How do I install this extension without the internet

What I've tried:

  • Windows GPO: Requires the update URL to be http://clients2.google.com/service/update2/crx
  • Windows Registry: same URL problem
  • Unpacked extensions: prompts users, requires developer tools, and disables the extension when chrome is restarted.
  • install crx: disables the extension when chrome is restarted.

Any other ideas, or ways around this? Chrome version 48.


I was able to do this on a regular chrome installation by doing the following:

  1. Download the extension in crx format - how to download a crx file from the chrome web store for a given id
  2. Unzip the crx file
  3. I had to rename the _metadata folder to metadata
  4. Open the chrome extensions page
  5. Enable Developer mode
  6. Click "Load unpacked extension..."
  7. Select the unzipped folder

This worked for me when I needed to install Advanced REST client.


I got it to work actually, sadly forgot about this post until now.

I had the Business version installed as @gerardnimo suggested.

What I wound up doing is

1) setup and IIS server to serve both the CRX and the update xml. based on this guide. https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/autoupdate

2) Then i was able to install the extension via group policy.


Here is a thread that I've found. He suggests that you can use Google Chrome for Business.

Since September 3, 2015, Installing Chrome extensions off-line no longer work (and here ) due to Google trying to prevent malicious extensions being downloaded and installed. To install an extension off-line today, require you to install a signed pre-packaged full Chrome install, using Googles Chrome for Business. This functionality is controlled by a policy list. Or according to this post, you can use their Dev or Canary channels to run any extension. Their latest builds can be found here