I am working through the Embedding F# Interactive example from http://fsharp.github.io/FSharp.Compiler.Service/interactive.html but am having an issue with the following line throwing an exception:
let fsiSession = FsiEvaluationSession.Create(fsiConfig, allArgs, inStream, outStream, errStream)
The exception thrown is:
"An unhandled exception of type 'System.Exception' occurred in FSharp.Compiler.Service.dll Additional information: Error creating evaluation session: StopProcessing null"
My project is being run from VS2015 Enterprise Update 1, setup as a simple F# console app, with Target F# runtime being F# 4.0 with the Target Framework as 4.6. The version of FSharp.Compiler.Service downloaded from nuget is
The Program.Fs file code I am running is here (a direct port of the example):
open System
open System.IO
open System.Text
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.Interactive.Shell
let main argv =
let sbOut = new StringBuilder()
let sbErr = new StringBuilder()
let inStream = new StringReader("")
let outStream = new StringWriter(sbOut)
let errStream = new StringWriter(sbErr)
// Build command line arguments & start FSI session
let argv = [| "C:\\fsi.exe" |]
let allArgs = Array.append argv [|"--noninteractive"|]
let fsiConfig = FsiEvaluationSession.GetDefaultConfiguration()
let fsiSession = FsiEvaluationSession.Create(fsiConfig, allArgs, inStream, outStream, errStream)
/// Evaluate expression & return the result
let evalExpression text =
match fsiSession.EvalExpression(text) with
| Some value -> printfn "%A" value.ReflectionValue
| None -> printfn "Got no result!"
evalExpression "42+1" // prints '43'
Console.ReadLine() |> ignore
0 // return integer
Any thoughts would be appreciated.