
Testing focus() on an element in an AngularJS dire

2019-06-19 01:40发布


Given the following directive

directive('myDirective', function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        scope: {},
        replace: false,
        template: '<input ng-focus="onFocus()" type="text" />',
        link: function(scope, element, attr) {
            scope.onFocus = function() {
                console.log('got focus');

I've tested that the focus watcher works in a browser, but I'd like to be able to trigger it in a unit test. This is what I've tried but it isn't working.

var element = angular.element('<div my-directive></div>');

I can see that I am correctly getting to the input box with the find call, and I would expect that code to trigger the focus event on the input box, but nothing is happening. What am I missing here?


When trying to trigger events on angular elements, one should use the triggerHandler() function which is just really jqLite function and not angulars and then pass in the event as a string parameter as shown below.


To perform any other functions on an angular element, read the documentation here, it shows you a list of functions available to angular elements