
Login into Asp.net Web application with Finerprint

2019-06-18 23:46发布


I want to login to my asp.net web application using fingerprint. That means I don't want to use any login id and password. I just want to login with my fingerprint. I have got a 3m cogent device and the device works fine but I don't know how to integrate the device with my software. I am using ActiveX.

My Javascript code is:

 <script type="text/javascript">

    $(document).ready(function () {
        $('#scan').click(function () {
            setTimeout(function () {
            }, 20 * 1000);
<script type="text/javascript">
    function OpenActiveX() {
        var port = document.getElementById("Comport");
        port.Conopen = 1;
        if (port.error > 0) //Display errors if found

    function Matching() {
        var retval = 0;
        var port = document.getElementById("Comport");
        port.Ksserialnumber = 1;
        port.KsCapture = 1;
        port.KsAuthenticationMatch = 1;
        retval = port.KsMatchretvalue;
        if (retval > 0) {
            alert("Two fingers are Matched...");
            window.open('ResultPage.html', '_self');
        else {
            alert("Finger Not Matched...");
        if (port.error > 0) //Display errors if found

I am getting undefined in port.KsMatchretvalue.


I am using 3M Cogent CSD 200 model Finger Print reader device
Hope you have SDK already Below is a little code for this device to capture and match details to allow log in .
Two function here
1.] Capture - to save fingerprint
2.] Match - to match fingetprint at the time of log in
Note : its a code block from my application , you have to made adjustment according to your application

byte[] bTemplateDataOne;
        byte[] bTemplateDataTwo;
        byte[] isoTemplateBytes;
        bool ErroFlag = false;
        int nTempltSizeOne;
        int nTempltSizeTwo;
        MMMCogentCSD200APIs csd200Obj = null;
        CSD200Wrapper wr = null; 
private void btnCapture_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int nRc = -1;
            byte[] fpRawBytes = null;
            int m_Width = 0, m_Height = 0;
            isoTemplateBytes = null;
            int nfiq = 0;

            pictCaptureImg.Image = null;
            if (true == chkbCaptureOnly.Checked)
                pbClaimed.Image = null;


                bTemplateDataOne = null;
                nTempltSizeOne = -1;
                bTemplateDataTwo = null;
                nTempltSizeTwo = -1;
                rbClaimed.Checked = true;

                nRc = csd200Obj.captureFP(30000, ref fpRawBytes, ref m_Width, ref m_Height);
                if (nRc == CSD200APICodes.SUCCESS && fpRawBytes != null)
                    bmp = CreateGreyscaleBitmap(fpRawBytes, m_Width, m_Height);
                    pictCaptureImg.Image = bmp;
                    MessageBox.Show("Fingerprint Capture Successful.");
                else if (nRc == CSD200APICodes.ERROR_TIMEOUT)
                    MessageBox.Show("Fingerprint Capture Timeout");
                    MessageBox.Show("Fingerprint Capture Failed. ErrorCode: " + nRc);
                nRc = csd200Obj.captureFP(30000, ref fpRawBytes, ref m_Width, ref m_Height, ref nfiq, ref isoTemplateBytes);

                if (nRc == CSD200APICodes.SUCCESS && fpRawBytes != null)
                    bmp = CreateGreyscaleBitmap(fpRawBytes, m_Width, m_Height);

                    pictCaptureImg.Image = bmp;

                    if (rbClaimed.Checked == true)
                        pbClaimed.Image = bmp;
                        if (isoTemplateBytes != null)
                            bTemplateDataOne = isoTemplateBytes;
                            nTempltSizeOne = isoTemplateBytes.Length;
                        MessageBox.Show("Try Again , Some error occured");
                    MessageBox.Show("Fingerprint Capture Successful.\n NFIQ: " + nfiq);
                else if (nRc == CSD200APICodes.ERROR_TIMEOUT)
                    MessageBox.Show("Fingerprint Capture Timeout");
                    MessageBox.Show("Fingerprint Capture Failed. ErrorCode: " + nRc);
        catch (Exception ex)
private void btnMatch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        if (bTemplateDataOne != null )
            //DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            //for (int i = 0; i < bTemplateDataOne.Length; i++)
            //    DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
            //    dr["value"] = bTemplateDataOne[i];
            //    dt.Rows.Add(dr);
            bool isMatch = false;
            int matched = 0;
            int index = 0; ;
            string strAppPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath);
                string result1 = Convert.ToBase64String(bTemplateDataOne, 0, bTemplateDataOne.Length);

                string connectionstring = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Constr"].ConnectionString.ToString();
                SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connectionstring);
                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("select Biometric,Name,id from Details ", con);
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                SqlDataAdapter ad = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);

                if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                        bTemplateDataTwo = null;
                        bTemplateDataTwo = Convert.FromBase64String(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][0].ToString());
                        nTempltSizeTwo = bTemplateDataTwo.Length;

                        //DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();
                        //for (int ii = 0; ii < bTemplateDataTwo.Length; ii++)
                        //    DataRow dr = dt1.NewRow();
                        //    dr["value"] = bTemplateDataTwo[ii];
                        //    dt1.Rows.Add(dr);

                        isMatch = csd200Obj.matchTemplates(bTemplateDataOne, bTemplateDataTwo);
                        if (isMatch == true)
                            index = i;


                    if (matched > 0)
                        string msg = "Fingers are Matched." + Environment.NewLine;
                        msg += "Welcome: " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[index]["Name"];
                        msg +="( id : " + ds.Tables[0].Rows[index]["id"] + ")" + Environment.NewLine + "matched value : " + matched;
                        WriteFMRFile(nTempltSizeOne, bTemplateDataOne, strAppPath + "\\One.fmr");
                        WriteFMRFile(nTempltSizeTwo, bTemplateDataTwo, strAppPath + "\\Two.fmr");
                        MessageBox.Show("Not Matched." + Environment.NewLine + "matched value : " + matched);
                    MessageBox.Show("There is no fingerprint saved in the system"+Environment.NewLine+"Register someone first .");
            catch (BioSDK710Exception cgtEx)
                MessageBox.Show(cgtEx.ShowError(), "CogentBioSDK710 Error");
            catch (Exception ex)
        //else if(chkbCaptureOnly.Checked == true && (bTemplateDataOne == null || bTemplateDataTwo == null))
        else if (chkbCaptureOnly.Checked == true && (bTemplateDataOne == null))
            MessageBox.Show("Please uncheck 'Capture Only' and recapture.", "Warning");
        //else if (chkbCaptureOnly.Checked == false && (bTemplateDataOne == null || bTemplateDataTwo == null))
        else if (chkbCaptureOnly.Checked == false && (bTemplateDataOne == null))
            MessageBox.Show("Please capture fingerprints.", "Warning");
