How can I customize Twitter Bootstrap's CSS us

2019-01-11 15:22发布


I am trying to customize Twitter Bootstrap's CSS without altering local copies of the bootstrap code.* So I have cloned the Twitter Bootstrap project into one folder and have my application code within its own folder:


Within my "style.less" file, I define a few LESS variables, then include the bootstrap files:

/* custom settings that deviate from Bootstrap's default values */
@sansFontFamily: Trebuchet MS, Tahoma, sans-serif, Arial;
@baseFontSize: 11px;
@baseLineHeight: 18px;

/* import bootstrap components from bootstrap-dedicated folder */
@import "../../../bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less";
@import "../../../bootstrap/less/responsive.less";

Since LESSCSS variables are really constants, I'm surprised that my @sansFontFamily is not getting picked up when I compile the LESS files into CSS: lessc style.less > MyApp.css --yui-compress

So...what am I missing? Why are my variables being overwritten by the variables defined within Bootstrap's LESS files?

*--I have checked out "Twitter Bootstrap Customization Best Practices", but think taking advantage of constants would be a better approach (if I can get it to work).


The correct approach is to import the bootstrap assets first, then define the custom values with LESS variables. So, given the directory structure in the question:

If you're using Bootstrap version 2.x:

/* import bootstrap components from bootstrap-dedicated folder */
@import "../../../bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less";
@import "../../../bootstrap/less/responsive.less";

/* custom settings that deviate from Bootstrap's default values */
@sansFontFamily: Trebuchet MS, Tahoma, sans-serif, Arial;
@baseFontSize: 11px;
@baseLineHeight: 18px;

If you're using Bootstrap version 3.x:

/* import bootstrap components from bootstrap-dedicated folder */
@import "../../../bootstrap/less/bootstrap.less";

/* custom settings that deviate from Bootstrap's default values */
@font-family-sans-serif: Trebuchet MS, Tahoma, sans-serif, Arial;
@font-size-base: 11px;
@line-height-base: 18px;

Complete list of variables can be found in variables.less file.


PeterVR's advice to move the custom variable declarations below the bootstrap @import statements is correct according to the docs here This states:

When defining a variable twice, the last definition of the variable is used, searching from the current scope upwards. For instance:

@var: 0;
.class1 {
    @var: 1;
    .class {
        @var: 2;
        three: @var;
        @var: 3;
    one: @var;

Compiles to:

.class1 .class {
    three: 3;
.class1 {
    one: 1;

(sample code edited - there's a couple of typos in their version!)

So I would guess the compilation sequence is something like:

  1. Process all @imports to build a single chunk of LESS code
  2. Walk through the LESS code and gather up all the variable declarations (per scope block)
  3. Any variable declaration value replaces any previous instance of the same name (per scope block)
  4. Replace variable placeholders with variable values

This would explain why the value of .class1 .class { three: is 3 even though it's declared before the @var: 3; declaration.


Hello I got a better way from random internet search

Example source code , Please download and checkout


I did something similar recently and the best approach I found was to create my own "variables_override.less" and import this after importing the standard variables.less in bootstrap.less and responsive.less. Then compile both files as normal and your variables will override the bootstrap defaults

This approach does involve modifing bootsrap.less and responsive.less but in a very minimal way