$ gulp patch
[17:13:27] Requiring external module coffee-script/register
[17:13:28] Using gulpfile ~/source/sem-campaign.js/gulpfile.coffee
[17:13:28] Starting 'bump'...
[17:13:28] Starting 'add'...
[17:13:28] Bumped version to: 1.0.2
[17:13:28] Bumped version to: 1.0.2
[17:13:28] Finished 'bump' after 31 ms
[17:13:28] Finished 'add' after 30 ms
[17:13:28] Starting 'commit'...
[?] enter a commit msg, eg initial commit: initial commit
[17:13:32] Finished 'commit' after 3.26 s
[17:13:32] Starting 'patch'...
no buddy
[17:13:32] Finished 'patch' after 25 μs
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: Command failed:
at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:648:15)
at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:98:17)
at maybeClose (child_process.js:756:16)
at Socket.<anonymous> (child_process.js:969:11)
at Socket.emit (events.js:95:17)
It's hard for me to tell where my gulp task is failing and why. How can I increase the default stack trace?
Add comments and plumber:
Add this helper method:
log = (msg) ->
console.log msg
# you're going to receive Vinyl files as chunks
transform = (file, cb) ->
# read and modify file contents
# file.contents = new Buffer(String(file.contents) + ' some modified content');
# if there was some error, just pass as the first parameter here
cb(null, file);
# returning the map will cause your transform function to be called
# for each one of the chunks (files) you receive. And when this stream
# receives a 'end' signal, it will end as well.
# Additionally, you want to require the event-stream
somewhere else.
return eventStream.map(transform);
pipe thw log method between steps in a task:
gulp.task 'myTask', ->
gulp.src myCss,
base: myBase
.pipe log "Got css files!"
.pipe concat 'app.css'
.pipe log "concated css!!"
this is written in coffeescript, you can turn it to javascript here:
create a catch error helper method:
catchError = (err) ->
plugins.util.beep() # ref;
console.log err
add plumber to plugins:
gulp.task 'myTask', ->
gulp.src myCss,
base: myBase
.pipe plugins.plumber
errorHandler: catchError
.pipe log "Got css files!"
.pipe concat 'app.css'
.pipe log "concated css!!"
Done! :)
More resources to check out: