Loop through databases on server, and update data

2019-06-18 16:54发布


I have a server with multiple databases. I need to loop through these databases and change a value in one record, in one table, in each database. How can this be done?


You could use dynamic SQL:

declare @query varchar(max)
set @query = ''

select  @query = @query + 'UPDATE ' + name + 
            '.dbo.YourTable set value = 1 where id = 2; '
from    master.sys.databases
where   name <> 'master'

exec (@query)


EXEC sp_MSForEachDB ' Use ?; UPDATE ?.dbo.MyTable SET MyValue=999  '


There is an undocumented stored procedure sp_MSForEachDB which will execute SQL for each database.

EXEC sp_msforeachdb 'PRINT ''?'''

The ? is the database name.