Android Studio 3.2 RC3 keeps asking me to update the Google Play Instant Development SDK (from 1.3.0 to 1.4.0), but it always fails the update with this message:
Failed packages:
- Google Play Instant Development SDK (extras;google;instantapps)
How can I fix this?
I was able to get this working by:
- Closing my project (File -> Close Project)
- Open SDK Manager from the gear at the bottom of the window
- Click Updates on the left
- I had to do this twice and it worked the second time.
If that won't work you can try File -> Invalidate Cache/restart -> Invalidate Restart. Android Studio will close and restart and then updates should install properly.
How this solution?
I close Android Studio File -> Close.
I delete Folder \instantapps in C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\extras\google\instantapps
and I update again.
and success.
see at
After delete, you reinstall here "Instant"
Solved this (in a similar way to previous, with one exception) by
1: Closing Android Studio File -> Close
2: deleting .installer and tools folders in C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\extras\google\instantapps
3: Launching SDK Manager from Configure dropdown beside gear icon
Note: I tried deleting the entire instantapps folder but when I did this I did not get presented with the option to
install Instant Development SDK.
If your version of Android Studio is 3.2, you can go to C:\Users\xxx and delete the version folder other than <.AndroidStudio3.2>. I did this and it succeeded.
Just needs Administrator privilege to install. Try run Android studio as administrator.