In one of the tests, we need to assert that one of the 3 elements is present. Currently we are doing it using the protractor.promise.all()
and Array.reduce()
var title = element("title")),
summary = element("summary")),
description = element("description"));
]).then(function (arrExists) {
expect(arrExists.reduce(function(a,b) { return a || b; })).toBe(true);
Is there a better way to solve it with Jasmine without resolving the promises explicitly? Would we need a custom matcher or it is possible to solve with the built-in matchers?
Check this:
let EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
let title = EC.visibilityOf($("#title")),
summary = EC.visibilityOf($("#summary")),
description = EC.visibilityOf($("#description"));
expect(EC.or(title, summary, description)() ).toBeTruthy('Title or summary or description should be visible on the page')
Notice that i am executing function that ExpectedCondition returns - so i am getting result of that function(Promise that will be resolved to boolean) instead of function.
You can use .presenceOf() if you need it instead .visibilityOf()
You could simply get all the elements with a single selector and assert that the count is superior to zero:
var title_summary_description = element.all(by.css("#title, #summary, #description"));