I was using MINIDOM but it does not provide xpath methods.
I am now trying to use libxml2 but I am having trouble retrieving attribute values.
An extract of my xml looks as follow:
<Class name="myclass1" version="0">
<Owner user-login="smagnoni"/>
and I wrote the following code:
import libxml2
doc = libxml2.parseFile(file)
ris = doc.xpathEval('*/Class[@name="'+className+'" and @version="'+classVersion+'"]/Owner')
print str(ris[0])
which returns:
<Owner user-login="smagnoni"/>
How do I get just "smagnoni"? Parsing the string by hand feels overworked. but I did not find a method comparable to .getAttribute("attribute-name")
in minidom.
Can anyone suggest the proper method or direct me to documentation?
for owner in ris:
for property in owner.properties:
if property.type == 'attribute':
print property.name
print property.content
should work:
import libxml2
import io
<Class name="myclass1" version="0">
<Owner user-login="smagnoni"/>
doc = libxml2.parseMemory(content,len(content))
ris = doc.xpathEval('//Class[@name="'+className+'" and @version="'+classVersion+'"]/Owner')
lxml uses libxml2 and provides a nicer interface (the ElementTree api) so you get most of the benefit of libxml2's speed and all of the benefit of it's xpath evaluation.
import lxml.etree as ET
doc = ET.parse(file)
owner = doc.find('/*/Class[@name="'+className+'" and @version="'+classVersion+'"]/Owner')
if owner:
print owner.get('user-login')
The added bonus is that the Element Tree api is available by default in python2.5 (though the version in 1.5 does not include the [@name='value']
xpath syntax, that was added in python 2.7, but you can get the 1.3 api as a separate package in older 2.x versions of python).
You can import any compatible version of the ElementTree api using:
from lxml import etree
print("running with lxml.etree")
except ImportError:
# Python 2.5
import xml.etree.cElementTree as etree
print("running with cElementTree on Python 2.5+")
except ImportError:
# Python 2.5
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
print("running with ElementTree on Python 2.5+")
except ImportError:
# normal cElementTree install
import cElementTree as etree
print("running with cElementTree")
except ImportError:
# normal ElementTree install
import elementtree.ElementTree as etree
print("running with ElementTree")
except ImportError:
print("Failed to import ElementTree from any known place")