On Android 2.2 Emulator, the "geo fix" command seems not to be working properly. The emulator responds "OK", and onLocationChanged()
is properly called in my program. However, the Location
object seems not to be complete - it registers latitude and longitude just fine, but it does not contain an altitude reading: hasAltitude()
returns false
Any ideas why?
Example emulator commands:
geo fix -74 40.75 500
geo fix -77 39 400.0
Code snippet:
public void onLocationChanged(Location loc) {
System.out.println("onLocationChanged Called");
if (loc.hasAltitude()) {
double newalt = loc.getAltitude();
System.out.println("new altitude: " + newalt);
gps[ALTITUDE] = newalt;
} else {
System.out.println("No altitude fix");
gps[LONG] = loc.getLongitude();
gps[LAT] = loc.getLatitude();
Sample Output:
onLocationChanged Called
No altitude fix
onLocationChanged Called
No altitude fix