I have created a model Anonymous with command
rails g model Anonymous section_id:integer aid:string fake:bool active:bool
but table name in the migration is called anonymous
class CreateAnonymous < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
create_table :anonymous do |t|
t.integer :section_id
t.string :aid
t.bool :fake
t.bool :active
Am i right that pluralized form of Anonymous is Anomymous too ? (English is not my native language). How can i see what pluralized names Rails gives to my models ? Something like rake routes
You can do this in the rails console.
$ "anonymous".pluralize
=> "anonymous"
or another example where the plural word is different.
$ "cookie".pluralize
=> "cookies"
pluralize(count, singular, plural = nil) public
Attempts to pluralize the singular word unless count is 1. If plural is supplied, it will use that when count is > 1, otherwise it will use the Inflector to determine the plural form
pluralize(1, 'person')
# => 1 person
pluralize(2, 'person')
# => 2 people
pluralize(0, 'person')
# => 0 people
for you
I'd just rename your model. Save yourself the pain and future debugging and just avoid this potential headache. You could use "Anonymouse" with plural "Anonymouses". Or think up a more clever name.