I'd like to ask if any one knows of any issues (performance or otherwise) if one were to define/put the module(s) used by the Manipulate expression, right inside the Manipulate expression itself, vs. in the initialization section, where normally it is done.
Both methods work, but the semantics are not the same when it comes to direct access to Manipulate dynamics from the module (vs. them being passed as arguments to the module, which is the better method actually, but I am trying something now)
I do not know how these things are implemented, but I am worried that if I put all the modules inside the Manipulate expression, then Manipulate will slow down when there are many modules there, since each time it needs to refresh the expression, the Mathematica FE will send to the kernel a now much larger expression to reevaluate/parse or whatever the correct term.
The Manipulate expression being refreshed now is much larger now since the modules are now part of the Manipulate expression itself, vs being in the initialization section, and this happen even though some of them might not be called in each refresh.
To help explain the question more, I made a small diagram below to show what I mean, a side-by-side comparing the 2 methods. Below that, I also put the small code examples used in the diagrams:
code for the The part-of-expression method
Button["step",{ctrl++ }],
code for the module-in-initialization method
Button["step", {ctrl++ }],
{{ctrl, 0}, None},
{{x, 0}, None},
TrackedSymbols :> {ctrl},
Initialization :>
foo[] := Module[{},
The question is: Will there be a performance hit in the modules-inside-manipulate expression method?
note added:
Btw, on my current small demo, I did NOT notice any performance difference in both methods, but this is just based on observing the response of the demo and no exact measurements. May be my understanding of the Initialization section of Manipulate was not correct all along. From help it says:
Initialization is an option for Dynamic, DynamicModule, Manipulate,
and related constructs that specifies an expression to be evaluated when
the construct is first used or displayed.
And it looks like may be I interpreted this as meaning differently that what it is.
May be Manipulate was always evaluating all the modules each time as part of its expression refresh/update?
Either way, I would be happy if there turns out to be no performance difference of the 2 layouts, as from now on, I will put all the modules inside Manipulate expression itself, instead of in the Initialization section.
addition dec 19, 2001 11 pm I looked at Mr Wizard solution posted below. From what I see, looking at the Manipulate snapshot, the resulting code is equivalent to explicitly putting the module inside the Manipulate expression. Here is a screen shot showing both methods, and the resulting code (generate by the Manipulate Function, by using the snapshot option button) for each layout. We can see it is the same code.
But the trick that Mr Wizard used to allow a function be put in the Control->None, which is to write just foo
instead of foo[]
is something I would not have thought of. I always thought that one must write foo[]:=Module[...]
even if foo
takes no arguments. (actually I never even thought about it, I just naturally write [] at the end of each function name even if takes no arguments). Thanks for sharing this trick.