判断一个文本文件中的行数(Determine the number of lines within

2019-06-17 18:01发布


Answer 1:

Seriously belated edit: If you're using .NET 4.0 or later

The File class has a new ReadLines method which lazily enumerates lines rather than greedily reading them all into an array like ReadAllLines. So now you can have both efficiency and conciseness with:

var lineCount = File.ReadLines(@"C:\file.txt").Count();

Original Answer

If you're not too bothered about efficiency, you can simply write:

var lineCount = File.ReadAllLines(@"C:\file.txt").Length;

For a more efficient method you could do:

var lineCount = 0;
using (var reader = File.OpenText(@"C:\file.txt"))
    while (reader.ReadLine() != null)

Edit: In response to questions about efficiency

The reason I said the second was more efficient was regarding memory usage, not necessarily speed. The first one loads the entire contents of the file into an array which means it must allocate at least as much memory as the size of the file. The second merely loops one line at a time so it never has to allocate more than one line's worth of memory at a time. This isn't that important for small files, but for larger files it could be an issue (if you try and find the number of lines in a 4GB file on a 32-bit system, for example, where there simply isn't enough user-mode address space to allocate an array this large).

In terms of speed I wouldn't expect there to be a lot in it. It's possible that ReadAllLines has some internal optimisations, but on the other hand it may have to allocate a massive chunk of memory. I'd guess that ReadAllLines might be faster for small files, but significantly slower for large files; though the only way to tell would be to measure it with a Stopwatch or code profiler.

Answer 2:


int lines = File.ReadAllLines("myfile").Length;

Answer 3:


int count = 0;
string line;
TextReader reader = new StreamReader("file.txt");
while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)

Answer 4:


string[] lines = System.IO.File.RealAllLines($filename);
int cnt = lines.Count();



#for large files
while (...reads into buffer){
string[] lines = Regex.Split(buffer,System.Enviorment.NewLine);


Answer 5:


Answer 6:

计数回车/换行符。 我相信,在Unicode中,它们分别0x000D和0x000A都还在。 这样你就可以有效,或者只要你想低效,并决定是否要对付两个字符或不

Answer 7:

一种可行的选择,和一个我曾亲自使用,将自己的头添加到文件的第一行。 我这样做是为我的游戏自定义模型格式。 基本上,我有一个工具,优化我的.obj文件,摆脱废话我不需要的,将它们转换为一个更好的布局,然后写入线的总数,脸,法线,顶点和纹理的UV的第一行。 加载模型时数据然后被用于通过各种阵列缓冲器。


Answer 8:


在某些时候,有人会具有读取文件的字符,而不管是否框架,或者如果它是你的代码。 这意味着你必须打开该文件并读入内存,如果该文件是大这将可能是一个问题,因为内存需要进行垃圾回收。



private const char CR = '\r';  
private const char LF = '\n';  
private const char NULL = (char)0;

public static long CountLinesMaybe(Stream stream)  
    Ensure.NotNull(stream, nameof(stream));

    var lineCount = 0L;

    var byteBuffer = new byte[1024 * 1024];
    const int BytesAtTheTime = 4;
    var detectedEOL = NULL;
    var currentChar = NULL;

    int bytesRead;
    while ((bytesRead = stream.Read(byteBuffer, 0, byteBuffer.Length)) > 0)
        var i = 0;
        for (; i <= bytesRead - BytesAtTheTime; i += BytesAtTheTime)
            currentChar = (char)byteBuffer[i];

            if (detectedEOL != NULL)
                if (currentChar == detectedEOL) { lineCount++; }

                currentChar = (char)byteBuffer[i + 1];
                if (currentChar == detectedEOL) { lineCount++; }

                currentChar = (char)byteBuffer[i + 2];
                if (currentChar == detectedEOL) { lineCount++; }

                currentChar = (char)byteBuffer[i + 3];
                if (currentChar == detectedEOL) { lineCount++; }
                if (currentChar == LF || currentChar == CR)
                    detectedEOL = currentChar;
                i -= BytesAtTheTime - 1;

        for (; i < bytesRead; i++)
            currentChar = (char)byteBuffer[i];

            if (detectedEOL != NULL)
                if (currentChar == detectedEOL) { lineCount++; }
                if (currentChar == LF || currentChar == CR)
                    detectedEOL = currentChar;

    if (currentChar != LF && currentChar != CR && currentChar != NULL)
    return lineCount;



Answer 9:

try {
    string path = args[0];
    FileStream fh = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
    int i;
    string s = "";
    while ((i = fh.ReadByte()) != -1)
        s = s + (char)i;

    //its for reading number of paragraphs
    int count = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < s.Length - 1; j++) {
            if (s.Substring(j, 1) == "\n")

    Console.WriteLine("The total searches were :" + count);


} catch(Exception ex) {

Answer 10:

可以启动“ WC的.exe”的可执行文件(自带UnixUtils ,不需要安装)运行作为外部进程。 它支持不同的行数的方法(如UNIX VS MAC VS窗口)。

文章来源: Determine the number of lines within a text file