How to detect UIKeyboard “backspace” button touch

2019-01-11 13:56发布


This question already has an answer here:

  • Detect backspace in empty UITextField 23 answers

How can i detect backspace button pressed on UIKeyboard?


EDIT: Is there any keyboard delegate that returns key pressed value?


if the UITextField is empty, the shouldChangeTextInRange delegate method is not called You can subclass UITextField and override this method:

    [super deleteBackward];
    NSLog(@"BackSpace Detected");

since UITextField is compliant to the UITextInput protocol, this method is implemented, and you can override it to detect when backspace is pressed. Then, you can write your own protocol/delegate method to alert your custom textfield delegate if the backspace is detected.


First of all your UIViewController that references the UITextField needs to conform to the UITextFieldDelegate protocol. Then set your class as delegate to the UITextField (eg. [myTextField setDelegate:self] ). Then in your class you add the following. When a string of "" is sent as the replacementString you know it's backspace.

(BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField 
      replacementString:(NSString *)string
    if ([string isEqualToString:@""]) {
    return YES;


Temporary i'm inserting a zero space char on textFieldDidBeginEditing

textField.text = @"\u200B";

on backspace, it remove that chars, but graphically it's the same!

It's an hack, it works, but it hide placeholder text... not good...