如何访问另一个功能定义在一个函数声明的变量?(How to access variables def

2019-06-17 14:32发布

谁能告诉我如何访问声明和定义变量的函数在另一个函数。 例如

void function1()
   string abc;

void function2()
   I want to access abc here.

怎么做? 我知道使用的参数,我们可以做到这一点,但有没有其他办法?

Answer 1:

C ++的方式是通过abc参照你的函数:

void function1()
    std::string abc;
void function2(std::string &passed)
    passed = "new string";

您还可以通过你的字符串作为指针,取消对它的引用在函数2。 这是更做事的C风格的方式,而不是安全的(例如,一个空指针可以传递,并且没有良好的错误检查会引起未定义的行为或崩溃。

void function1()
    std::string abc;
void function2(std::string *passed)
    *passed = "new string";

Answer 2:


string abc;

void function1(){
    abc = "blah";

void function2(){
    abc = "hello";

Answer 3:


  1. 它直接传递,
  2. 有一个调用都声明变量更高的范围功能,并通过它,或
  3. 声明一个全局的,然后所有的功能都可以访问它


void function1()  
    std::string abc;  
    function2( abc );  

void function2( std::string &passed )   
    // function1::abc is now aliased as passed and available for general usage.
   cout << passed << " is from function1.";   


void parentFunction( )
    std::string abc;  
    function1( abc );  
    function2( abc );  
void function1( std::string &passed )   
   // Parent function's variable abc is now aliased as passed and available for general usage.
   cout << passed << " is from parent function.";   
void function2( std::string &passed )   
    // Parent function's variable abc is now aliased as passed and available for general usage.
   cout << passed << " is from parent function.";   


std::string global_abc;  
void function1( )   
   cout << global_abc << " is available everywhere.";   
void function2( )   
   cout << global_abc << " is available everywhere.";   

Answer 4:

是绝对没有办法。 该块的变量只能从该块被直接访问。


文章来源: How to access variables defined and declared in one function in another function?
标签: c++ scope