I'm interested in peeking ahead in a character stream. To my understanding, Peekable would be the way to go. I can't quite figure out how to use it.
First attempt:
fn trawl<I, E>(pk: &mut I) where I: std::iter::Peekable<Result<char, E>> {
loop {
let cur = pk.next();
let nxt = pk.peek();
match (cur, nxt) {
(Some(i), Some(nxt_i)) => println!("{} {}", i.ok(), nxt_i.ok()),
_ => (),
fn main() {
trawl(&mut std::io::stdio::stdin().chars());
This fails to compile with
> rustc /tmp/main.rs
/tmp/main.rs:1:37: 1:73 error: `std::iter::Peekable` is not a trait
/tmp/main.rs:1 fn trawl<I, E>(pk: &mut I) where I: std::iter::Peekable<Result<char, E>> {
error: aborting due to previous error
Okay, fair enough. I don't fully understand traits yet so I try to pass an iterator in and then create a peekable version:
fn trawl<I, E>(it: &mut I) where I: Iterator<Result<char, E>> {
let mut pk = it.peekable();
loop {
let cur = pk.next();
let nxt = pk.peek();
match (cur, nxt) {
(Some(i), Some(nxt_i)) => println!("{} {}", i.ok(), nxt_i.ok()),
_ => (),
fn main() {
trawl(&mut std::io::stdio::stdin().chars().peekable());
This fails with
> rustc /tmp/main.rs
/tmp/main.rs:2:18: 2:20 error: cannot move out of dereference of `&mut`-pointer
/tmp/main.rs:2 let mut pk = it.peekable();
/tmp/main.rs:7:65: 7:70 error: cannot move out of dereference of `&`-pointer
/tmp/main.rs:7 (Some(i), Some(nxt_i)) => println!("{} {}", i.ok(), nxt_i.ok()),
note: in expansion of format_args!
<std macros>:2:23: 2:77 note: expansion site
<std macros>:1:1: 3:2 note: in expansion of println!
/tmp/main.rs:7:39: 7:77 note: expansion site
error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
Could someone explain:
- why Peekable couldn't appear in the function type for lack of being a trait,
- what the compiler means when it says 'move out of dereference of' and
- how I might resolve either or both?
A third version
fn trawl<I, E>(mut it: I) where I: Iterator<Result<char, E>> {
let mut pk = it.peekable();
loop {
let cur = pk.next();
let nxt = pk.peek();
match (cur, nxt) {
(Some(i), Some(nxt_i)) => println!("{} {}", i.ok(), nxt_i.ok()),
// (Some(i), ) => println!("{}", i.ok()),
_ => (),
fn main() {
This fails with:
> rustc /tmp/main.rs
/tmp/main.rs:7:65: 7:70 error: cannot move out of dereference of `&`-pointer
/tmp/main.rs:7 (Some(i), Some(nxt_i)) => println!("{} {}", i.ok(), nxt_i.ok()),
note: in expansion of format_args!
<std macros>:2:23: 2:77 note: expansion site
<std macros>:1:1: 3:2 note: in expansion of println!
/tmp/main.rs:7:39: 7:77 note: expansion site
error: aborting due to previous error
I fail to understand what rust is saying to me here, how Iterator.next would have a different return type from Peekable.peek.