I'm currently trying to port a fair amount of existing synchronous code to WinRT.
As part of this, I'm hitting problems with the existing code expecting some operations to be synchronous - e.g. for file I/O
To adapt this existing code to work with the IAsyncOperation style API within WinRT, I've used a technique of wrapping the IAsyncOperation with an extension method like:
namespace Cirrious.MvvmCross.Plugins.File.WinRT
public static class WinRTExtensionMethods
public static TResult Await<TResult>(this IAsyncOperation<TResult> operation)
var task = operation.AsTask();
if (task.Exception != null)
// TODO - is this correct?
throw task.Exception.InnerException;
return task.Result;
from MvvmCross WinRT ExtensionMethods - with a similar method for IAsyncAction
These wrappers seems to work - and they allow me to use the Async
methods in synchronous code like:
public IEnumerable<string> GetFilesIn(string folderPath)
var folder = StorageFolder.GetFolderFromPathAsync(ToFullPath(folderPath)).Await();
var files = folder.GetFilesAsync().Await();
return files.Select(x => x.Name);
I understand that this isn't really in the spirit of WinRT; but I am expecting these methods to normally only get called on background threads in the first place; and I am writing this with the goal of making my code cross-platform compatible - including to platforms which don't yet support await-async and/or to developers who aren't yet ready to make the jump.
So... the question is: what risks am I running by using this type of code?
And as a second question, is there any better way I could achieve code reuse for areas such as File I/O?