How can I rename a file with chef?
In the chef doc I found only:
- create
- create_if_missing
- delete
- touch
How can I rename a file with chef?
In the chef doc I found only:
Use ruby_block and inside use ::File.Rename(src,dst). Chef framework doesn't have file rename (or at least didn't had until 0.10.18).
Just an example:
ruby_block "Rename file" do
block do
Another option if you need to rename multiple files. Checks one of the resource to know if it already ran.
ruby_block "Rename file" do
block do
::Dir.glob("*/*.src").each {|i| File.rename(i, i.gsub(/(.*).src/,'\\1.dst'))};
not_if {File.exists?("new_resource.dst")}