This code is designed to resemble a simpler version of the Pokemon battle gameplay. I've only coded in the attacks. I've been testing thoroughly, and found that an error message (Goto was unexpected at this time) whenever the user confirmed their attack. WARNING!! Code is 96 lines long. At the end, I'll put the problem section, so you can skip this first huge chunk.
@echo off
Set H1=20
Set A1=8
Set D1=6
Set S1=5
Set H2=14
Set A2=5
Set D2=4
Set S2=8
Echo Bulbasur
Echo %H2%/14 /\
Echo (__) ___
Echo l __lo.ol
Echo l_\ l_\"
Echo _
Echo * / \
Echo \\l )
Echo \\__l Charmander
Echo %H1%/20
Echo -Attack -Capture
Echo -Item -Run
Set /p Move=Action?
If %move%==Attack goto Attack
If %move%==Catpure goto capture
If %move%==Item goto Item
If %move%==Run Goto Run
Echo I'm sorry, Charmander can't do that.
goto Begin
Echo Attacks
Echo 1)Tackle
Echo 2)Growl
Echo 3)Ember
Echo 4)Scratch
Set /p attack=Which one?
If %attack%==Tackle goto Tackle
If %attack%==1 goto Tackle
If %attack%==Growl Goto Growl
If %attack%==2 goto Growl
If %attack%==Ember goto Ember
If %attack%==3 goto Ember
If %attack%==Scratch goto Scratch
If %attack%==4 goto Scratch
If %attack%==Cancel goto Begin
Echo I didn't get that
Goto Attack
Echo Tackle Hits The opponent where it hurts. EVERYWHERE.
Echo Do you want to?
set /p accept=Yes/No?
If %acccept%==Yes goto Combat
If %acccept%==No goto Begin
Echo I didn't get that.
goto Tackle
Echo Growl lowers the opponents attack.
Echo Do you want to?
set /p accept=Yes/No?
If %acccept%==Yes goto Status
If %acccept%==No goto Begin
Echo I didn't get that.
goto Growl
Echo Scratch hits the foe with a claw.
Echo Do you want to?
set /p accept=Yes/No?
If %acccept%==Yes goto Combat
If %acccept%==No goto Begin
Echo I didn't get that.
goto Scratch
Echo Ember hits the opponent with a small fire.
Echo Do you want to?
set /p accept=Yes/No?
If %acccept%==Yes goto Combat
If %acccept%==No goto Begin
Echo I didn't get that.
goto Ember
If NOT %attack%==Growl If NOT %attack%==2 set /a H2=%H2%-(%A1%^2/%D2%)
set /a H1=%H1%-(%A2%^2/%D1%)
goto Begin
Set /a A1=%A1%-1
goto Combat
Problem Area:
Echo Tackle Hits The opponent where it hurts. EVERYWHERE.
Echo Do you want to?
set /p accept=Yes/No?
If %acccept%==Yes goto Combat
If %acccept%==No goto Begin
Echo I didn't get that.
goto Tackle
The code gets here fine, but once I'm here, it doesn't expect the goto commands. Anyone can fix this beef? (Note: Tackle is just an example. None of the attacks work.) EDIT: If the user puts in "Yes","No",gibberish, or nothing, it still delivers the same error message (goto was unexpected at this time)
You have to put it in quotes:
if "%accept%"=="yes" goto combat
if "%accept%"=="no" goto begin
Or rather if you dont want to make it case sensitive:
if /i "%accept%"=="yes" goto combat
if /i "%accept%"=="no" goto begin
Your problem is that this line:
set /p accept=Yes/No?
does NOT use the same variable name that these ones:
If %acccept%==Yes goto Combat
If %acccept%==No goto Begin
Above variables have "ccc", but the first one just "cc"
Hi, user1205760; I got some time to spend, so I take your program and made it somewhat smaller. This is my version:
@echo off
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Set Actions=Attack Capture Item Run
Set Attacks=Tackle Growl Ember Scratch Cancel
Set i=0
For %%a in (%Attacks%) do set /A i+=1 & set Attack[!i!]=%%a
Set H1=20
Set A1=8
Set D1=6
Set S1=5
Set H2=14
Set A2=5
Set D2=4
Set S2=8
Echo Bulbasur
Echo %H2%/14 /\
Echo (__) ___
Echo l __lo.ol
Echo l_\ l_\"
Echo _
Echo * / \
Echo \\l )
Echo \\__l Charmander
Echo %H1%/20
Echo -Attack -Capture
Echo -Item -Run
Set /p Move=Action?
For %%a in (%Actions%) do if /I %move%==%%a goto %move%
Echo I'm sorry, Charmander can't do that.
goto Begin
Echo Attacks
For %%a in (1 2 3 4) do echo %%a)!Attack[%%a]!
Set /p attack=Which one?
for %%a in (1 2 3 4) do if %attack%==%%a set attack=!Attack[%%a]!
for %%a in (%Attacks%) do if /I %attack%==%%a goto %attack%
Echo I didn't get that
Goto Attack
call :Confirm Tackle Hits The opponent where it hurts. EVERYWHERE.
If %accept%==Yes goto Combat
goto Begin
call :Confirm Growl lowers the opponents attack.
If %accept%==Yes goto Status
goto Begin
call :Confirm Ember hits the opponent with a small fire.
If %accept%==Yes goto Combat
goto Begin
call :Confirm Scratch hits the foe with a claw.
If %accept%==Yes goto Combat
goto Begin
Set /A A1-=1
If /I NOT %attack%==Growl set /A H2=H2-(A1^2/D2)
set /A H1=H1-(A2^2/D1)
goto Begin
Echo %*
Echo Do you want to?
set /p accept=Yes/No?
For %%a in (Yes No) do if /I %accept%==%%a exit /B
Echo I didn't get that.
goto Confirm
If the user enters nothing, your If
lines probably evaluate to something like this:
If ==Yes goto Combat
If ==No goto Begin
which is syntactically incorrect. I would suggest initialising accept
before the set /p
command with some default value:
set accept=default
set /p accept=Yes/No?
if …
That way, if the user just hits Enter, the accept
variable will retain the default
value, and the subsequent if
will not end up in the error.
Excuse me,
This is just a question to the downvotes.
The people who asks just IS NOT SURE must the problem be in THAT PART.
set a=
if %a%==1 echo yes
If I just post this line:
if %a%==1 echo yes
Remember for variable, like %abc%, it's better to use it with ",[ or { so as to prevent error message.
set /p abc=
and the user inputs nothing.
Then the next line should be:
if %abc%==1 echo Hi
But it became:
if ==1 echo Hi
,as "%abc%"==""
But with "", it will become
if ""=="1" echo Hi
And "" unequal to "1".
If you're using Windows 7 ( or other versions ), you may also try this:
choice /c YN /n /m "Confirm? [Y^|N]
The ^
is just escaping the "pipe" (|
Hope this will be useful to you!