I am having trouble matching a specific word in nginx $request_body variable.
I want to proxy pass if the body request has a special word in it,
So my approach is this:
location ~ \.php$ {
if ($request_body ~* (.*)) {
proxy_pass http://test.proxy;
# other case...
This matches everything and the if statement works,
but if I change the regexp in any way, I can't get a hit.
So my question now is:
How do i need to define the regexp in nginx correctly to match against, "target" for example?
Thanks in advance!
Your code has a number of problems.
"($request_body ~* (.*))" never matches anything as stated by someone else and so the the "other case" is always the outcome
More importantly, it uses "proxy_pass" with "if" which is classically evil. http://wiki.nginx.org/IfIsEvil.
To get what you want, use the 3rd party ngx_lua module (v0.3.1rc24 and above) ...
location ~ \.php$ {
rewrite_by_lua '
local match = ngx.re.match(ngx.var.request_body, "target")
if match then
location @proxy {
# test.proxy stuff
location @other_case {
# other_case stuff
You can get ngx_lua at https://github.com/chaoslawful/lua-nginx-module/tags.
PS. Bear in mind that rewrite by lua is always executed after the nginx rewrite directives so if you put any such directives in the other case, they will be executed first and you will get funnies.
You should put all your rewrites within the rewrite by lua context for consistent results. This is the reason for the "if ..else..end" arrangement for the "other case".
You may need this longer version
location ~ \.php$ {
rewrite_by_lua '
--request body only available for POST requests
if ngx.var.request_method == "POST"
-- Try to read in request body
-- Try to load request body data to a variable
local req_body = ngx.req.get_body_data()
if not req_body then
-- If empty, try to get buffered file name
local req_body_file_name = ngx.req.get_body_file()
--[[If the file had been buffered, open it,
read contents to our variable and close]]
if req_body_file_name then
file = io.open(req_body_file_name)
req_body = file:read("*a")
-- If we got request body data, test for our text
if req_body then
local match = ngx.re.match(req_body, "target")
if match then
-- If we got a match, redirect to @proxy
-- If no match, redirect to @other_case
-- Pass non "POST" requests to @other_case
Note: for curly braces( { and } ), as they are used both in regexes
and for block control, to avoid conflicts, regexes with curly braces
are to be enclosed with double quotes (or single quotes).
so try
if ($request_body ~* "(.*)")
Other comments: The code .*
matches everything. I would instead use \w
, since Perl regex seems to be available.
Your current if -clause is always wrong so no hit is the right output for it.