I am trying to override the dot notation for access to localStorage. I already managed to override the getItem and setItem methods as described here: Is it possible to override Local Storage and Session Storage separately in HTML5?
Now I tried to create a Proxy to also catch the dot access, but since I seem to be unable to overwrite the localStorage object as tried here
localStorage = new Proxy(localStorage, {
get: function(target, name) {
if (!(name in target)) {
console.log("Getting non-existent property '" + name + "'");
return undefined;
return '123';
set: function(target, name, value) {
if (!(name in target)) {
console.log("Setting non-existent property '" + name + "', initial value: " + value);
target[name] = value;
Now when I try it I still get test instead of 123:
localStorage.testKey = "test";