Application code is calling location.href = "some-url"
I want to write a test that verify the navigation redirect has happened.
Using jest on jsdom, I tried to do it with overriding location.href setter using jest mock function and it is working.
But now I can't seems to restore the location.href property at the test cleanup, and it failing the rest of the tests which relay on 'location.href'.
it('test navigation happened', () => {
const originalLocationHref = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.location, 'href'); // returns undefined
spyFn = jest.fn();
Object.defineProperty(window.location, 'href', {
set: spyFn,
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
expect(spyFn).toBeCalledWith('http://some-url'); // this is working
// Cleanup code, not working, because originalLocationHref is undefined
Object.defineProperty(window.location, 'href', originalLocationHref);
What am I missing? Why Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.location, 'href');
is undefined
Is there a better way to intercept navigation events in order to test it?