On my payments page there are certain variables such as card_number that I want to pass from the View to the Model but I do not want to store them in the db. I can usually easily achieve this by simply using attr_accessor but in this case the model is being passed in params through accepts_nested_attributes_for and for some reason the params are not being passed through:
in User.rb i have
has_many :credit_cards
accepts_nested_attributes_for :credit_cards
in the view file i have a nested form field, something like:
blah blah
<h2>Credit card</h2>
<%= f.fields_for :credit_cards do |builder| %>
<%= render "credit_card_fields", :f => builder %>
<% end %>
inside that
<%= f.label :test %><br />
<%= f.text_field :test %>
now back in credit_card.rb i have:
attr_accessor :test
before_create :show_me_test_param
def show_me_test_param
raise "#{test}"
Now the strange thing is that when I try to save a record, it simply returns an empty exception. The param does not seem to have been passed through from User to CreditCard through accepts_nested_attributes_for?
The param being passed in is:
{"email"=>"name@example.com", "password"=>"pass123", "password_confirmation"=>"pass123", "credit_cards_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"test"=>"helllo this is the second attempt", "name_on_card"=>"first lastname", "card_number"=>"987498742897", "card_verification_value"=>"232", "expiry_date"=>"2141"}}}
Does anyone know whats going on? Does accepts_nested_attributes_for work with attr_accessor?