I am going through some old VB6 code and in many forms, I encounter declaration statements like -
PEC_NUM_ENT(1) As Byte
EC_CODE_IND(0) As Byte
EC_DATA(7) As PRXDetail
My question is, do these fields have default values? If so, what are the values? Thanks.
Yes. Numerical and date types default to 0, strings to an empty string (i.e., ""), boolean to False, and variant to EMPTY.
From the VB6 documentation
When variables are initialized, a
numeric variable is initialized to 0,
a variable-length string is
initialized to a zero-length string
(""), and a fixed-length string is
filled with zeros. Variant variables
are initialized to Empty. Each element
of a user-defined type variable is
initialized as if it were a separate
PRXDETAIL looks like it might be a user-defined type