I want to mock a method that returns a complex datatyp
class aClass
virtual const QMap<QString, QString> aMethod() const;
class MockaClass : public aClass
MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(aMethod, const QMap<QString, QString>());
This code does not compile: "macro "MOCK_CONST_METHOD0" passed 3 arguments, but takes just 2"
I think that the googlemock macro does not understand QMap and interpret the comma as parameter separator.
Is there a way to tell googlemock that QMap is the return value?
Just use a typedef
like this:
class aClass
typedef const QMap<QString, QString> MyType;
virtual MyType aMethod() const;
class MockaClass : public aClass
MOCK_CONST_METHOD0(aMethod, MyType());
You are right, the comma is interpreted as a parameter separator. You can define a preprocessor macro to protect the comma from being interpreted that way.
#define COMMA ,
MOCK_CONSTANT_METHOD0(aMethod, const QMap<QString COMMA QString>());
Please note, that this will not necessarily work for nested macro calls. For example, if MOCK_CONSTANT_METHOD0
would pass the second parameter to another macro, you would be in trouble again.