I am storing many images in Amazon S3,
using a ruby lib (http://amazon.rubyforge.org/)
I don't care the photos older than 1 week, then to free the space in S3 I have to delete those photos.
I know there is a method to delete the object in a certain bucket:
S3Object.delete 'photo-1.jpg', 'photos'
Is there a way to automatically delete the image older than a week ?
If it does Not exist, I'll have to write a daemon to do that :-(
Thank you
UPDATE: now it is possible, check the Roberto's answer.
Unfortunately, Amazon doesn't offer an API for automatic deletion based on a specific set of criteria.
You'll need to write a daemon that goes through all of the photos and and selects just those that meet your criteria, and then delete them one by one.
You can use the Amazon S3 Object Expiration policy
Amazon S3 - Object Expiration | AWS Blog
If you use S3 to store log files or other files that have a limited
lifetime, you probably had to build some sort of mechanism in-house to
track object ages and to initiate a bulk deletion process from time to
time. Although our new Multi-Object deletion function will help you to
make this process faster and easier, we want to go ever farther.
S3's new Object Expiration function allows you to define rules to
schedule the removal of your objects after a pre-defined time period.
The rules are specified in the Lifecycle Configuration policy that you
apply to a bucket. You can update this policy through the S3 API or
from the AWS Management Console.
Object Expiration | AWS S3 Documentation
Some objects that you store in an Amazon S3 bucket might have a
well-defined lifetime. For example, you might be uploading periodic
logs to your bucket, but you might need to retain those logs for a
specific amount of time. You can use using the Object Lifecycle
Management to specify a lifetime for objects in your bucket; when the
lifetime of an object expires, Amazon S3 queues the objects for
Ps: Click on the links for more information.
If you have access to a local database, it's easy to simply log each image (you may be doing this already depending on your application), and then you can perform a simple query to retrieve the entire list and delete them each. This is much faster than querying S3 directly, but does require local storage of some kind.