Hibernate Search sorting

2019-06-16 21:15发布


Hibernate search is sorting results depending on relevance, it is normal. In addition to that, if two documents are having the same score, they are ordered by their primary keys.

For example,

book1 : id=1, bookTitle = "hibernate search by example".

book2 : id=2, bookTitle = "hibernate search in action"

If I am doing a query to look for terms "hibernate search", I would have this order : book1 then book2

I would like to invert this order : book2 then book1. Which means inverting primary key order. Is there a possible way to do this without implementing a custom Similarity ? At the same time keeping relevance order.


Yes, you need to create a Sort object which specifies the desired sorting, and set it in your query. See Section of the Hibernate docs. Then, in the list of SortFields pass SortField.FIELD_SCORE. SortField's constructor also allows you to reverse the order.

org.hibernate.search.FullTextQuery query = s.createFullTextQuery( luceneQuery, MyEntity.class );
org.apache.lucene.search.Sort sort = new Sort(
    new SortField("id", SortField.STRING, true));
List results = query.list();