I have a scalar $subscribers
that could be undef, reference to a HASH, or reference to an ARRAY. I have assigned the sample values $VAR1
, $VAR2
and $VAR3
for testing.
I'm only interested in $subscribers
when it is a reference to an ARRAY, where by it would contain multiple values. In other cases, I'm not interested in printing anything (e.g. when $subscribers=$VAR2;
The code seems to run fine under Perl v5.16.2; however, when I move it to the target machine running Perl v5.8.8, I get a compile error:
% ./test.pl
Type of arg 1 to keys must be hash (not private variable) at ./test.pl line 23, near "$subscribers) "
Execution of ./test.pl aborted due to compilation errors.
Code below:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $VAR1 = undef;
my $VAR2 = {'msisdn' => '1234'};
my $VAR3 = [
{'msisdn' => '1111'},
{'msisdn' => '2222'},
{'msisdn' => '3333'},
{'msisdn' => '4444'},
{'msisdn' => '5555'}
my @childMsisdn = ();
my $subscribers = $VAR3;
if (ref $subscribers eq ref []) { # Exclude $VAR1 && $VAR2 scenarios
foreach my $s (keys $subscribers) {
my $msisdn = $subscribers->[$s]->{"msisdn"};
push (@childMsisdn, $msisdn);
print "childMsisdn = ". join(",", @childMsisdn) ."\n";